
 Si è svolta a Parigi il 22 ottobre 2019 la "Giornata Europea della Statistica"  insieme ad Eurostat e la Banca Centrale Europea,



In allegato il programma della manifestazione  "Pre-ProgramESD…" 


Maurizio Vichi, ESAC, Chair Dpt. Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome 
It is a great privilege and an honour for ESAC to celebrate the forth European Statistics Day here in Paris, in this prestigious location of the ESSEC. This is the major event among many initiatives in all Europe. It is a joint proposal organized by Eurostat and National Statistical Institutes, and in particular this year, by the French National Institute of Statistics INSEE, the European Statistical Advisory Committee, the European Central Bank, the Federation of European National Statistical Societies, and the French Statistical Society. 
PARIS today, thanks to the National Institute of Statistics, the French Statistical Society and ESSEC is the Capital of European Statistics.
This is a day to ponder and remember the importance of Statistics. 
Statistics is fundamental to enhance the Scientific Research, giving a Galilean scientific methodology to the observation of the real phenomena. It helps in the development of an open research science by producing open data and open software for analysing scientific data;
Statistics is essential to study the Economy, its globalization, its circularity, the development according to the sustainability; 
Statistics is central for Biology, for a correct design of the experiments and the study of the network or system biology of organs, molecules and genes;
Statistics is important for Finance, Banking & Insurance; for producing financial forecasts, banking statistics, risk analysis and market monitoring;
Statistics is vital for Healthcare and Medicine; for precision and personalized medicine; for smart use of devices and medical data, for smart medical diagnostic;
Statistics is crucial for Industry to develop the Industry 4.0 and the smart enterprises of the 21st century, with data exchange in manufacturing technologies; 
Statistics is fundamental to assess the state, the evolution of Environment and for monitoring environment;  Statistics is important for the study of the Demographic dynamics, and the analysis of the Society and Social networks.
Statistics and in particular official statistics is a key element of democratic government. 
All this new developments now described are possible because Statistics permeates everyday modern life of European Citizens.
Why do we have to propose an European Statistics Day? There are several reasons. 
The first relevant reason is to create collaborations between Stakeholders of Statistics. Users, Producers and Methodologists of statistics must work together, since the Society is quickly changing, under the internet and IT innovations and stakeholders have to help each other to identify needs of information, best practices of production and the most innovative methodologies easy to interpret.
Second reason for having an European Statistics Day is:

  • to give the opportunity to the Citizens to recall the use of data and statistics for decision-making;     
  • to be aware that statistics is used every day and permeates different activities of the daily live; 
  • to be conscious that official statistics is the fundamental tool for the democratic governance, and to recall about for the day-by-day work of the statistical institutions
  • to recall to be collaborative with statistical institutions in providing information.

Third reason for proposing an European Statistics Day is:

  • to give an opportunity to the producers of statistics to promote the use and retain trust of Official statistics; 
  • to recall the fundamental mission to satisfy the needs of information transforming information into measurable concepts    
  • to promote statistical literacy.

We wish to give a fundamental key message for the European Statistics Day 2019.
The KEY MESSAGE regards the statistical literacy.
Statistics is a new key competence for lifelong learning, enhancing employability and the ability to remain employable throughout life.
The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union in 2006 has recommended a list of eight key competences for lifelong learning, which regard: the ability to communicate in mother and foreign languages, mathematical and digital competences, learning to learn, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and cultural awareness. We believe that in the Information Society also the ability to read and interpret reality and make decisions with data by means of statistics is a new fundamental competence for the citizens of 21st century.
NEW JOBS of Data Analyst (i.e., the modern official statistician) in Government institutions, in the fields of Social Science, Economics and Law, will be available for the increasing use of data for decision making.
The same it will happen in Physical Science and Environment with specific statistics skills.
New Jobs of biostatistics will be offered in medicine for Big Data evidence-based medicine and personalized medicine and in the other hard sciences for the need to analyse larger and larger databases accumulated by sensors.  
Finally, new Jobs in Business and Industry in order to create the SMART INDUSTRY, based on internet of things and data analysis will be necessary, with strong statistics abilities.
“Look at the facts” is the motto of the European Statistics Day, and Statistics helps you to look in the proper way facts. Do not forget this fundamental right to use statistics to have a better life!
Thanks for your attention.
