ORGANISMI INTERNAZIONALI GLOSSARI Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Unione Europea United Nations Global Data Dissemination Infrastructure United Nations Population Information Network World Bank Biosociety-Glossary Codecision-Glossary EUbudget-Glossary ISI - Glossary of Statistical Terms ISTAT - Glossario statistico Glossary of tax terms CENTRI ED ENTI DI RICERCA CONFERENZE A Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and Simulation C Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research Center for Economics and Demography of Aging Center for Health Statistics Research Center for Mathematical Studies in Economics and Management Science Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modelling Center for Statistical Ecology and Environmental Statistics Center on Stochastic Modeling, Optimization and Statistics Centre for Interdisciplinary Computational and Dynamical Analysis Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation Centre for Operations Excellence Computational Statistics Research Group E Economics and Econometrics Research Institute Edinburg Research Group in Optimization G Group for Research in Decision Analysis Gruppo di Ricerca per le Applicazioni della Statistica ai Problemi Ambientali I Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences Institute for Operations Research Institute for Operations Research and Management Science Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific Engineering Computing Institute of Mathematical Statistics Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research Institute on Statistical Analysis for Education Policy International Association for Statistical Computing International Center for Mathematical Science International Statistical Institute M Mathematical Science Research Institute Military Operations Research Society Minerva Optimization Center N National Center for Health Statistics National Centre for Econometric Research National Institute of Statistical Science R Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics Rutger Center for Operations Research S Society for Computational Economics Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries T Task Force on Finance Statistics AIML ASC ASFM ATAI BGRS BIONFORMATICS BIOSIGNALS BIOSTEC CFE CI CIMMACS CISE CISIS CMEM CORES CSEDU EURO FINDECON HAIS ICAART ICAINN ICAISE ICBBE ICCI ICDM ICICSE ICIIT ICIS ICISD ICIST ICLT ICMCS ICMIE ICMLPR ICMSA ICOMS ICOQSIA ICOR ICORFE ICSIP IFORS IMA IMECS ISAI ISAMI ISBA ISCB ISTAT ISVD IWINAC KES MDA MEQAPS MLDM MS NOLASC ORAFT PCO RMC SIMMAC WIMS WSEAS WSC INDICI INDICI SCIENTOMETRICI AWEI (Arab World Education Indicators)BBSC (Bulletin Board on Statistical Capacity)BCI (Business Climate Indicator) ESI (Economic Sentiment Indicator)FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network)HDI (Human Development Index)HICP (Harmonised Index of Consumer Price) IRAI (IDA Resource Allocation Index) KEI (Knowledge Economy Index)LAF (Lime Assessment Framework) LPI (Logistics Performance Index)MUV Index MDI (Millennium Development Indicators)RAI (Rural Access Index) WGI (Worldwide Governance Indicators) Indicatori sanitari (CE) Hirsch IndexImpact FactorEigenfactor DATI STATISTICI MAPPE STATISTICHE Agri IstatAnnual Macro-Economic Database (AMECO)Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS)CensimentiCoeweb (Statistiche del commercio estero)Cultura in cifre Demo. Demografia in cifre Disabilità in cifre Doing BusinessEdStatsEurostatGlobal Economic Monitor (GEM)Global Economic Monitor Commodities GenderStatsHealth for all - Italia (Istat) HNPStatsIDA Information and Communication Technologies TablesIstat (datawarehouse)JEDHLABDEV (Labour Market and Wage Development) LABORSTA OECDStatExtracts Population Projection Tables Private Partecipation in Infrastructure Database (PPID)Private Sector Tables Privatization Database QEDSQPSDSIA (Sistema di indagini sulle acque) Sistema informativo sulle professioniUNdata UNECEUnesco Inst. for St.SEDLACSistema informativo territoriale sulla giustiziaStatistiche per le politiche di sviluppo WDIWorld Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database World Tourism Org. Agricoltura, Zootecnia, Caccia e PescaAmbiente e MeteorologiaAziende agricole...RegioniBilanci consuntiviCommercio esteroCommercio interno, turismo, alberghiContabilitàCultura e tempo liberoDemografiaEdilizia e Opere pubblicheElezioniEmigrazioneFamigliaFecondità, Maternità,AbortoForesteGiustizia civile e notarileGiustizia penale e criminalitàIstruzioneIstruzione superiore e mercato del lavoroLavoro e forze di lavoroMercato del lavoroMortalitàPrevidenza e Assistenza socialePrezzi e MonetaRicerca scientifica e Innovazione tecnologicaSanitàStranieriTrasporti