
Register for this online course
Affiliated with University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Dr. Sy Han (Steven) Chiou
Dr. Chiou is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). Before joining UTD, Dr. Chiou was a postdoctoral research fellow from 2015-2017 in the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and an assistant professor from 2013-2015 in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Dr. Chiou received his doctoral degree in Statistics from the University of Connecticut in 2013. His primary research interests focus on addressing important questions that arise with data under complicated sampling schemes, dependent truncation, and recurrent event data.
Course description
Recurrent event data arise when the event of interest can recur in the same individual during follow-up. Some examples of recurrent events include sequences of hospital admissions, infection episodes, and tumor recurrences. Standard survival analysis methods that focus only on time to the first event cannot capture the cumulative experience of the recurrent events and could lead to invalid inferences. For this reason, the development of statistical methods that appropriately address the structure of recurrent events has attracted considerable attention. This short course introduces the R package reReg, which provides a collection of tools for exploratory analysis and nonparametric and semiparametric methods for analyzing recurrent event data.
Target audience
This course’s intended audience includes researchers who want to gain basic exposure to analysing recurrent event data with the ultimate goal of incorporating R into their research programs.
Each hour a different part:

  1. Prepare recurrent event data in R with the Recur() function.
  2. Exploring recurrent event data with event plots and mean cumulative function with the plotEvent() and mcf() functions.
  3. Simulating recurrent event data and fitting regression models with the simSC() and reReg()functions.

Required software
Before the short course begins, the participants are recommended to install the latest version of R and install both the reReg and reda package.
