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SPreading women’s Empowerment and AKtive citizenship values to enhance Union Policies combating gender discrimination and violence in a globalised world
- SPEAK-UP Jean Monnet Module - 2023/2024 - Español
Información sintética sobre el "Módulo Jean Monnet SPEAK-UP", un programa centrado en estudios de la Unión Europeasobre discriminación de género y violencia.
Objetivos del Módulo Jean Monnet SPEAK-UP:
1. **Promoción de Valores Universales:**
- Promover la igualdad de oportunidades y la dignidad entre mujeres y hombres como derechos fundamentales, trascendiendo diferencias culturales y nacionales.
2. **Estímulo a la Ciudadanía Activa:**
- Fomentar la ciudadanía activa en un mundo globalizado, empoderando las voces de las mujeres en la sociedad civil y respaldando el futuro de la democracia.
3. **Diálogo Persona a Persona:**
- Facilitar el diálogo de persona a persona en tres direcciones: Italia, Alemania, Turquía (primer año), África (Tanzania, Kenia, Uganda, segundo año) y América del Sur (Argentina, Perú, tercer año).
**Características del Programa:**
- **Enfoque Multidisciplinario:**
- Un curso de formación multi e interdisciplinario para estudiantes de educación superior y profesionales que trabajan en organizaciones internacionales y representantes de la sociedad civil.
- **Grupos Objetivo Únicos:**
- Se dirige a múltiples grupos objetivo, de características únicas puescombinaactividades participativas prácticas y compromete a organizaciones de la sociedad civil,más allá de las fronteras europeas.
- **Estructura del Curso:**
- Un curso anual corto combinado con 54 horas de clases, incluyendo nueve horas para actividades adicionales (Debate de Expertos, Mesa Redonda y Living Lab).
- **Metodologías Innovadoras:**
- Utiliza metodologías innovadoras de participación y aprendizaje activo en horas de enseñanza, sesiones prácticas y eventos públicos.
- **Seguimiento y Evaluación:**
- Adopta procedimientos de seguimiento y evaluación para mejorar la efectividad del proceso de aprendizaje.
- **Difusión de Información:**
- La información sobre el Módulo Jean Monnet se difunde en línea,a través de plataformas dedicadas y redes sociales.
- **Reconocimiento y Certificados:**
- Los participantesque asistan al módulo recibirán créditos ECTS y un Certificado de Asistencia. Los asistentes no académicos recibirán un Certificado de Asistencia.
- **Curso Gratuito:**
- El curso es gratuito.
**Detalles de Asistencia:**
- **Enlace de Zoom (Asistencia en Línea):**
ID de la reunión: 829 7259 7048
Contraseña: 260365
- **Ubicación (Asistencia Presencial):**
Universidad de Sapienza de Roma – Biblioteca del Departamento de Estadística – Edificio CU002 – III piso
- Los candidatos interesados deben completar el formulario de registro disponible en este enlace.
- SPEAK-UP Jean Monnet Module - 2023/2024 - English
The SPEAK-UP Jean Monnet Module concerns EU studies on gender discrimination and violence. It aims:
a) to promote values of equal opportunity and dignity between women and men as fundamental rights crosscutting cultural and countries differences;
b) to encourage an active European and international citizenship in a globalised world, empowering women’s voice and standing in the civil society, and to sustain the future of democracy;
c) to facilitate the people-to-people dialogue along three EU and extra-UE directions: Italy, Germany, Turkish (1st year), Africa (Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, 2nd year), and South America (Argentina, and Peru 3rd year).
The SPEAK-UP module is a multi-interdisciplinary training course offered to both higher education students coming from the countries involved in the Module, and who do not automatically encounter EU studies, and operators working for international organizations representatives of the civil society. The multiple target groups addressed by this training programme make it unique and fill the lack of academic courses combining practical participatory activities and the engagement of civil society organizations going beyond the European borders.
The SPEAK-UP module proposes a blended short annual course of 54 hours lessons. Nine hours for extra-activities, concerning an Expert Debate, a Round Table and a Living Lab, will be provided within the Module. The course will provide students with teaching hours, practical sessions, and other public events, using innovative methodologies of engagement and active learning.
Monitoring and assessment procedures are adopted to increase the effectiveness of the learning process. Information about the Jean Monnet Module are disseminated on-line via dedicated platforms and social networks. Students attending the Module will be provided with both ETCS (from a minimum of 3 up to a maximum of 6 for students of the Degree courses of the Sapienza Dpt. of Statistics – For other students the ECTS value must be confirmed by the president/coordinator of the corresponding Degree course) and a Certificate of attendance. Non-academic attendants will receive the Certificate of attendance.
The course is free.
Zoom link for those attending on-line:
ID riunione: 829 7259 7048 - Passcode: 260365
Location for those attending in presence:
Sapienza University of Rome – Library of the Department of Statistics – Building CU002 – III floor
Candidates interested to participate in the module must filling-in the form available at the following link to accomplish the registration procedure.
Thank you for your interest!
- SPEAK-UP Jean Monnet Module - 2nd year
The SPEAK-UP Jean Monnet Module (JMM) concerns EU studies on gender discrimination and violence. It aims:
a) to promote European values of equal opportunity and dignity between women and men as fundamental rights crosscutting cultural and countries differences;
b) to encourage an active European citizenship in a globalised world, empowering women’s voice and standing in the civil society, and to sustain the future of democracy;
c) to facilitate the people-to-people dialogue along three EU and extra-UE directions: Italy, Germany, Turkish (1st year), Africa (Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, 2nd year), and South America (Argentina, and Peru 3rd year).
The SPEAK-UP JMM of the 2d a.y. 2022-23 is more specifically focused on the African context in collaboration with the Kabale University and the Uganda Martyrs University, the University of Dodoma, and the State University of Zanzibar. The JMM is a multi-interdisciplinary training course offered to both higher education students coming from the partner countries who do not automatically encounter EU studies, and operators working for international organizations representatives of the civil society. The multiple target groups addressed by this training programme make it unique and fill the lack of academic courses combining practical participatory activities and the engagement of civil society organizations going beyond the European borders.
The SPEAK-UP module of the a.y. 2022-2023 proposes a blended short annual course of 54 hours lessons. Lessons will be given from March to June. Nine hours of extra-activities, concerning an Expert Debate, a Round Table and a Living Lab, will be provided during the same period. The course will provide students with teaching hours, practical sessions, and other public events, using innovative methodologies of engagement and active learning. Monitoring and assessment procedures are adopted to increase the effectiveness of the learning process. Information about the Jean Monnet Module are disseminated on-line via dedicated platforms and social networks. Students attending the Module will be provided with both ETCS (from a minimum of 3 up to a maximum of 6 for students of the Degree courses of the Sapienza Dpt. of Statistics – For other students the ECTS value must be confirmed by the president/coordinator of the corresponding Degree course) and a Certificate of attendance. Non-academic attendants will receive the Certificate of attendance.
Minerva Lab The course is free.
Zoom link for those attending on-line:
ID riunione: 829 7259 7048 - Passcode: 260365
Location for those attending in presence:
Sapienza University of Rome – Library of the Department of Statistics – Building CU002 – III floor
Candidates interested to participate in the module must filling-in the form available at the following link to accomplish the registration procedure.
Thank you for your interest!
- SPEAK-UP Jean Monnet Module - 1st year
The SPEAK-UP Jean Monnet Module concerns EU studies on gender discrimination and violence. It aims:
a) to promote European values of equal opportunity and dignity between women and men as fundamental rights crosscutting cultural and countries differences;
b) to encourage an active European citizenship in a globalised world, empowering women’s voice and standing in the civil society, and to sustain the future of democracy;
c) to facilitate the people-to-people dialogue along three EU and extra-UE directions: Italy, Germany, Turkish (1st year), Africa (Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, 2nd year), and South America (Argentina, and Peru 3rd year).The SPEAK-UP module is a multi-interdisciplinary training course offered to both higher education students coming from Italy, Turkey, and Germany who do not automatically come into contact with EU studies, and operators working for international organizations representatives of the civil society.
The multiple target groups addressed by this training programme make it unique, and fill the lack of academic courses combining practical participatory activities and the engagement of civil society organizations going beyond the European borders.
The SPEAK-UP module of the a.y. 2021-2022 proposes a blended short annual course of 54 hours lessons. Lessons will be given in June. Nine hours of extra-activities, concerning an Expert Debate, a Round Table and a Living Lab, will be provided during the same month. The course will provide students with teaching hours, practical sessions, and other public events, using innovative methodologies of engagement and active learning. Monitoring and assessment procedures are adopted to increase the effectiveness of the learning process. Information about the Jean Monnet Module are disseminated on-line via dedicated platforms and social networks.
Students attending the Module will be provided with both ETCS (from a minimum of 3 up to a maximum of 6 for students of the Degree courses of the Sapienza Dpt. of Statistics – for other students the ECTS value must be confirmed by the president/coordinator of the corresponding Degree course) and a Certificate of attendance. Non-academic attendants will receive the Certificate of attendance.
The course is free.
Zoom link for those attending on-line:
ID riunione: 829 7259 7048 - Passcode: 260365
Location for those attending in presence:
Sapienza University of Rome – Library of the Department of Statistics – Building CU002 – III floor
Candidates interested to participate in the module must filling-in the form available at the following link to accomplish the registration procedure:
Thank you for your interest!