Lo stimatore di ponderazione vincolata in presenza di informazioni ausiliarie campionarie

Lo stimatore di ponderazione vincolata in presenza di informazioni ausiliarie campionarie
C. Ceccarelli, G.M. Giorgi, A. Guandalini
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Certificates of optimality: the third way to biproportional apportionment

Certificates of optimality: the third way to biproportional apportionment
P. Serafini, B. Simeone
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
The biproportional apportionment problem (BAP) must be faced in many proportional electoral systems where seats must be allocated to parties within regions. In Italy for instance, the electoral law contains incorrect procedures for solving this problem, which have resulted in inconsistent outcomes and violations of the Constitution in 3 out of the 5 last political elections. The fact is that BAP is non trivial, and only mathematically sophisticated algorithms relying on the machinery of network optimization and matrix scaling are currently avaible for solving it. The issue is: can they become an actual law? Citizens rightly demand simple, easy to understand, voting systems. However, the task of finding simple algorithms for solving BAP is quite challenging. The alternative seems to have simple, but unsound electoral laws. We propose the following way out of this dilemma: leave to a mathematically sophisticated algorithm the task of producing an optimal apportionment, but attach to it a “certificate of optimality”, that is, describe a simple procedure whereby anybody can check, through some elementary operations, that the seat allocation output by the algorithm indeed satisfies all the requirements for an apportionment, and that it is “as proportional as possible” to the vote matrix. We discuss one such certificate, based on the max flow-min cut Theorem, relative to a strongly polynomial parametric max flow method of ours for solving BAP.

Fractional non-linear, linear and sublinear death processes

Fractional non-linear, linear and sublinear death processes
E. Orsingher, F. Polito, L. Sakhno
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
This paper is devoted to the study of a <span class="c">fractional</span> version of <span class="e">non-<span class="d">linear</span></span> [InlineEquation not available: see fulltext.], t&gt;0, <span class="d">linear</span> M <SUP>ν</SUP>( t), t&gt;0 and <span class="g">sublinear</span> mathfrak{M}^{ν}(t), t&gt;0 <span class="b">death</span> <span class="f">processes</span>. Fractionality is introduced by replacing the usual integer-order derivative in the difference-differential equations governing the state probabilities, with the <span class="c">fractional</span> derivative understood in the sense of Dzhrbashyan-Caputo. We derive explicitly the state probabilities of the three <span class="b">death</span> <span class="f">processes</span> and examine the related probability generating functions and mean values. A useful subordination relation is also proved, allowing us to express the <span class="b">death</span> <span class="f">processes</span> as compositions of their classical counterparts with the random time process T <SUB>2ν</SUB>( t), t&gt;0. This random time has one-dimensional distribution which is the folded solution to a Cauchy problem of the <span class="c">fractional</span> diffusion equation.

Explicit solutions of fractional diffusion equations via Generalized Gamma Convolution

Explicit solutions of fractional diffusion equations via Generalized Gamma Convolution
M. D'Ovidio
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
In this paper we deal with Mellin convolution of generalized Gamma densities which brings to integrals of modified Bessel functions of the second kind. Such convolutions allow us to write explicitly the solutions of the time-fractional diffusion equations involving the adjoint operators of a square Bessel process and a Bessel process.

Boolean harmonies, and a tractable class of set covering problems

Boolean harmonies, and a tractable class of set covering problems
I. Lari, B. Simeone
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
In this paper we deal with a class of set covering problems arising in polytonal harmony. Actually, in a recent paper Simeone, Nouno, Mezzadri and Lari introduced the notion of Boolean signatures of a tonal scale, depending on a Boolean operator. They proved that any minimum cardinality signature may by obtained through the solution of an appropriate set covering problem and that all the signatures are the prime implicants of a suitable monotone Boolean function represented by a CNF. Here we focus on the solution of the set covering problems. It turns out that all of them are easily solvable by a combination of standard preprocessing rules and small-size linear programs, without any need of enumeration at all.

A Boolean theory of signatures for tonal scales

A Boolean theory of signatures for tonal scales
B. Simeone, G. Nouno, M. Mezzadri, I. Lari
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
We explore the concept of tonal signatures developed and put into musical practice by one of us (Mezzadri). A tonal signature of a scale S is a minimal subset of notes within S that is not contained in any scale S' different from S. We present a set covering model to find a smallest signature. We also show that the signatures of a scale are the prime implicants of a suitable monotone Boolean function represented by a CNF. On this ground, we introduce a more general notion of Boolean signature, depending on a Boolean operator. The computational machinery for generating Boolean signatures remains essentially the same. The richness and variety of Boolean signatures has a great potential for the development of new paradigms in polytonal harmony.

Some properties of the Boolean Quadric Polytope

Some properties of the Boolean Quadric Polytope
E. Boros, I. Lari
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
The topic of our research is unconstrained 0-1 quadratic programming. We find some properties of the Boolean Quadric Polytope, which is obtained from the standard linearization of the given 0-1 quadratic function. By using a result obtained by Deza and Laurent on a class of hypermetric inequalities for the Cut Polytope, we find a necessary and sufficient condition for a class of inequalities to be facet defining for the Boolean Quadric Polytope. Furthermore we find a property characterizing the non integral vertices of a class of relaxations of the Boolean Quadric Polytope.

Poisson process with different Brownian clocks

Poisson process with different Brownian clocks
L. Beghin, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Bessel processes and hyperbolic Brownian motions stopped at different random times

Bessel processes and hyperbolic Brownian motions stopped at different random times
M. D'Ovidio, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
Iterated Bessel processes R^\gamma(t), t>0, \gamma>0 and their counterparts on hyperbolic spaces, i.e. hyperbolic Brownian motions B^{hp}(t), t>0 are examined and their probability laws derived. The higher-order partial differential equations governing the distributions of I_R(t)=_1R^\gamma(_2R^\gamma(t)), t>0 and J_R(t) =_1R^\gamma(|_2R^\gamma(t)|^2), t>0 are obtained and discussed. Processes of the form R^\gamma(T_t), t>0, B^{hp}(T_t), t>0 where T_t=\inf{s: B(s)=t} are examined and numerous probability laws derived, including the Student law, the arcsin laws (also their asymmetric versions), the Lamperti distribution of the ratio of independent positively skewed stable random variables and others. For the process R^{\gamma}(T^\mu_t), t>0 (where T^\mu_t = \inf{s: B^\mu(s)=t} and B^\mu is a Brownian motion with drift \mu) the explicit probability law and the governing equation are obtained. For the hyperbolic Brownian motions on the Poincar\'e half-spaces H^+_2, H^+_3 we study B^{hp}(T_t), t>0 and the corresponding governing equation. Iterated processes are useful in modelling motions of particles on fractures idealized as Bessel processes (in Euclidean spaces) or as hyperbolic Brownian motions (in non-Euclidean spaces).

Confidence regions for the stationary point of a quadratic response surface based on the asymptotic distribution of its MLE

Confidence regions for the stationary point of a quadratic response surface based on the asymptotic distribution of its MLE
V. Sambucini
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
Response-surface methodology aims at finding the combination of factors levels which optimizes a response variable. A second order polynomial model is typically employed to make inference on the stationary point of the true response function. A suitable reparametrization of the polynomial model, where the coordinates of the stationary point appear as the parameter of interest, is used to derive unconstrained confidence regions for the stationary point. These regions are based on the asymptotic normal approximation to the sampling distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of the stationary point. A simulation study is performed to evaluate the coverage probabilities of the proposed confidence regions. Some comparisons with the standard confidence regions due to Box and Hunter are also showed.

Adaptive LASSO-type estimation for ergodic diffusion processes

Adaptive LASSO-type estimation for ergodic diffusion processes
A. De Gregorio, S.M. Iacus
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
The LASSO is a widely used statistical methodology for simultaneous estimation and variable selection. In the last years, many authors analyzed this technique from a theoretical and applied point of view. We introduce and study the adaptive LASSO problem for discretely observed ergodic diffusion processes. We prove oracle properties also deriving the asymptotic distribution of the LASSO estimator. Our theoretical framework is based on the random field approach and it applied to more general fam-ilies of regular statistical experiments in the sense of Ibragimov-Hasminskii (1981). Furthermore, we perform a simulation and real data analysis to provide some evidence on the applicability of this method.

Trimmed Cox regression for robust estimation in survival studies

Trimmed Cox regression for robust estimation in survival studies
S. Viviani, A. Farcomeni
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
We propose a robust Cox regression model with outliers. The model is fit by trimming the smallest contributions to the partial likelihood. To do so, we implement an ad-hoc algorithm, and show its convergence to a global optimum. We discuss global robustness properties of the approach, which is illustrated and compared through simulations. Finally, we develop an application to survival in a ran domized study about prostate cancer.

Service network design models for two-tier city logistics

Service network design models for two-tier city logistics
T.G. Crainic, A. Sgalambro
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
This paper focuses on two-tier City Logistics systems for advanced management of urban freight activities and, in particular, on the first layer of such systems where freight is moved from distributions centers on the outskirts of the city to satellite platforms‘by urban vehicles, from where it will be distributed to customers by other, dedicated vehicles. We address the issue of planning the services of this first tier system, that is, select services, their routes and schedules, and determine the itineraries of the customer-demand flows through these facilities and services. We propose a general scheduled service network design modeling framework that captures the fundamental concepts related to the definition of urban-vehicle tactical plans within a two-tier distribution network. We examine several operational assumptions regarding the management of the urban-vehicle fleet, the flexibility associated with the delivery of goods, and the impact of the freight transfer operations at satellites, and show how the proposed modeling framework can evolve to represent an increasing level of detail. A discussion of algorithmic perspectives completes the paper.

Sui contributi di G. Ortes all'analisi economica

Sui contributi di G. Ortes all'analisi economica
A. Erba
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A fuzzy logic approach to poverty analysis based on the Gini and Bonferroni inequality indices

A fuzzy logic approach to poverty analysis based on the Gini and Bonferroni inequality indices
P. Giordani, G.M. Giorgi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
In the poverty analysis framework, a great deal of attention has been paid to the poverty measurement in terms of monetary variables, such as income or consumption. In this context, a relevant open problem is connected with the distinction between poor and nonpoor. In fact, the concept of poverty is rather vague and cannot be defined in a clear way. In this respect, following a fuzzy logic approach, some new poverty measures are proposed. In particular, the fuzzy extension of two existing poverty measures based on the Gini and Bonferroni inequality indices is provided. Some synthetic and real applications are given in order to show how the proposed poverty measures work.

A multiple linear regression model for KLR fuzzy random variables

A multiple linear regression model for KLR fuzzy random variables
M.B. Ferraro, P. Giordani
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
In standard regression analysis the relationship between one (response) variable and a set of (explanatory) variables is investigated. In a classical framework the response is affected by probabilistic uncertainty (randomness) and, thus, treated as a random variable. However, the data can also be subjected to other kinds of uncertainty, such as imprecision. A possible way to manage all of these uncertainties is represented by the concept of fuzzy random variable (FRV). The most common class of FRVs is the LR family (LR FRV),which allows us to express every FRV in terms of three random variables, namely, the center, the left spread and the right spread. In this work, limiting our attention to the LR FRV class, we address the linear regression problem in presence of one or more imprecise random elements. The procedure for estimating the model parameters and the determination coefficient are discussed, and the hypothesis testing problem is addressed following a bootstrap approach. Furthermore, in order to illustrate how the proposed model works in practice, the results of a real-life example are given.

Bayesian univariate space - time hierarchical models for mapping pollutant concentrations in the municipal area of Taranto

Bayesian univariate space - time hierarchical models for mapping pollutant concentrations in the municipal area of Taranto
L. Cretarola, G. Jona Lasinio, S. Arima, A. Pollice
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Stochastic velocity motions and processes with random time

Stochastic velocity motions and processes with random time
A. De Gregorio
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA
The aim of this paper is to analyze a class of random motions which models the motion of a particle on the real line with random velocity and subject to the action of the friction. The speed randomly changes when a Poissonian event occurs. We study the characteristic and the moment generating function of the position reached by the particle at time t > 0. We are able to derive the explicit probability distributions in few cases for which discuss the connections with the random flights. The moments are also widely analyzed. For the random motions having an explicit density law, further interesting probabilistic interpretations emerge if we deal with them varying up a random time. Essentially, we consider two different types of random times, namely Bessel and Gamma times, which contain, as particular cases, some important probability distributions (e.g. Gaussian, Exponential). In particular, for the random processes built by means of these compositions, we derive the probability distributions fixed the number of Poisson events. Some remarks on the possible extensions to the random motions in higher spaces are proposed. We focus our attention on the persistent planar random motion.

A linear regression model for imprecise response

A linear regression model for imprecise response
M.B. Ferraro,R. Coppi, G. Gonzáles Rodríguez, A. Colubi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

System dynamics models to assess the risk of mosquito-borne diseases and to evaluate control policies

System dynamics models to assess the risk of mosquito-borne diseases and to evaluate control policies
S.C. Brailsford, R. Berchi, V. De Angelis, M. Mecoli
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A weak degeneracy revealing decomposition for the CANDECOMP/PARAFAC model

A weak degeneracy revealing decomposition for the CANDECOMP/PARAFAC model
R. Rocci, P. Giordani
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Composition of processes and related partial differential equations

Composition of processes and related partial differential equations
M. D'Ovidio, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Genetic search for threshold parameters in time series threshold models: algorithms and computer programs

Genetic search for threshold parameters in time series threshold models: algorithms and computer programs
R. Baragona, D. Cucina
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Service network design for freight railway transportation: the italian case

Service network design for freight railway transportation: the italian case
G. Lulli, U. Pietropaoli, N. Ricciardi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Choosing the sample size for equivalence trials

Choosing the sample size for equivalence trials
S. Gubbiotti, F. De Santis
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

On the iterative proportional fitting procedure: structure of accumulation points and L1-error analysis

On the iterative proportional fitting procedure: structure of accumulation points and L1-error analysis
F. Pukelsheim, B. Simeone
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Angular processes related to Cauchy random walks

Angular processes related to Cauchy random walks
V. Cammarota, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

An analysis of the interaction between plankton time series and climate via stochastic differential equations

An analysis of the interaction between plankton time series and climate via stochastic differential equations
A. De Gregorio, A. Conversi, A. Micheletti, D. Morale
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Clustering of discretely observed diffusion processes

Clustering of discretely observed diffusion processes
A. De Gregorio, S.M. Iacus
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Fuzzy poverty measures based on the Gini and Bonferroni inequality indices

Fuzzy poverty measures based on the Gini and Bonferroni inequality indices
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Identifiability of population size from capture-recapture data with heterogeneous detection probabilities

Identifiability of population size from capture-recapture data with heterogeneous detection probabilities
A. Farcomeni, L. Tardella
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A selection model for longitudinal binary responses subject to non-ignorable attrition

A selection model for longitudinal binary responses subject to non-ignorable attrition
M. Alfò, A. Maruotti
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Estimators of extra-sample error for non-parametric methods. A comparison based on extensive simulations

Estimators of extra-sample error for non-parametric methods. A comparison based on extensive simulations
S. Borra, A. Di Ciaccio
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Exploiting blank spots for model-based background correction in discovering genes with DNA array data

Exploiting blank spots for model-based background correction in discovering genes with DNA array data
S. Arima, L. Tardella, B. Liseo, F. Mariani
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Locating median paths on connected outerplanar graphs

Locating median paths on connected outerplanar graphs
I. Lari, F. Ricca, A. Scozzari, R.I. Becker
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Bicolored graph partitioning: or, how to win elections

Bicolored graph partitioning: or, how to win elections
N. Apollonio, R.I. Becker, I. Lari, F. Ricca, B. Simeone
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Modeling multivariate counts under endogenous selectivity, with application

Modeling multivariate counts under endogenous selectivity, with application
M. Alfo’, A. Maruotti, G. Trovato
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Bayesian sample size determination and re-estimation using mixtures of prior distributions

Bayesian sample size determination and re-estimation using mixtures of prior distributions
P. Brutti, F. De Santis, S. Gubbiotti
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Sui contributi di G. Ortes alla scienza economica: prime riflessioni

Sui contributi di G. Ortes alla scienza economica: prime riflessioni
A. Erba
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

On-Line Forums: a window on language evolution

On-Line Forums: a window on language evolution
E. Aureli, F. Cristofori, D.F. Iezzi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

New perspectives for estimating normalizing constants via posterior simulation

New perspectives for estimating normalizing constants via posterior simulation
G. Petris, L. Tardella
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

The stochastic p-median problem with unknown cost probability distribution

The stochastic p-median problem with unknown cost probability distribution
R. Tadei, N. Ricciardi, G. Perboli
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Models for evaluating and planning city logistics transportation systems

Models for evaluating and planning city logistics transportation systems
T.G. Crainic, N. Ricciardi, G. Storchi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Iterated elastic Brownian motions and fractional diffusion equations

Iterated elastic Brownian motions and fractional diffusion equations
L. Beghin, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Bayesian constrained variable selection

Bayesian constrained variable selection
A. Farcomeni
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

OR experiences in world food programme operations management

OR experiences in world food programme operations management
V. De Angelis, M. Mecoli, C. Nikoi, A. Sgalambro, G. Storchi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Robust Bayesian sample size determination in clinical trials

Robust Bayesian sample size determination in clinical trials
P. Brutti, F. De Santis, S. Gubbiotti
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

The transition from university to work: a case study

The transition from university to work: a case study
M.G. Ottaviani, R. Ricci
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

On the complexity of recognizing directed path families

On the complexity of recognizing directed path families
N. Apollonio, P.G. Franciosa
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

The maximum vertex coverage problem on bipartite graphs

The maximum vertex coverage problem on bipartite graphs
N. Apollonio, B. Simeone
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

The effect of measurement errors on the calibrated weights

The effect of measurement errors on the calibrated weights
D. Marella
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Evaluation of matching noise for imputation techniques based on nonparametric regression function

Evaluation of matching noise for imputation techniques based on nonparametric regression function
P.L. Conti, D. Marella, M. Scanu
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Supervised and unsupervised model-based multi-partitioning

Supervised and unsupervised model-based multi-partitioning
A. Farcomeni, M. Vichi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Principal component analysis with boundary constraints

Principal component analysis with boundary constraints
P.Giordani, H.A.L. Kiers
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

La significatività condizionata nel test della differenza tra proporzioni per piccoli campioni

La significatività condizionata nel test della differenza tra proporzioni per piccoli campioni
F. Gori
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

On the matching noise of some nonparametric imputation procedures

On the matching noise of some nonparametric imputation procedures
D. Marella, M. Scanu, P.L. Conti
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Travelling randomly on the Poincarè half-plane with a pythagorean compass

Travelling randomly on the Poincarè half-plane with a pythagorean compass
V. Cammarota, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Comparative evaluation of electromyography and ultrasound for carpal tunnel diagnosis via automatic classification techniques

Comparative evaluation of electromyography and ultrasound for carpal tunnel diagnosis via automatic classification techniques
S. Colucci, M. Maravalle, F. Gioia, F. Ricca, B. Simeone, V. Spinelli
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Robust double clustering

Robust double clustering
A. Farcomeni
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Integrality properties of EPT hypergraphs

Integrality properties of EPT hypergraphs
N. Apollonio
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A Bayesian predictive two-stage design for phase II clinical trials

A Bayesian predictive two-stage design for phase II clinical trials
V. Sambucini
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Branching on a Sierpinski graph

Branching on a Sierpinski graph
S. Leorato, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

The minimum labelling Hamiltonian cycle problem

The minimum labelling Hamiltonian cycle problem
R. Cerulli, P. Dell'Olmo, M. Gentili, A. Raiconi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Random motions at finite velocità in a Non-Euclidean space

Random motions at finite velocità in a Non-Euclidean space
A. De Gregorio, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

On the solutions of linear odd-order heat-type equations with random initial conditions

On the solutions of linear odd-order heat-type equations with random initial conditions
L. Beghin, Y. Kozachenko, E. Orsingher, L. Sakhno
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Pseudo-processes governed by higher-order fractional differential equations

Pseudo-processes governed by higher-order fractional differential equations
L. Beghin
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Information maximization in sparse principal components analysis: an exact approach for sparse and interpretable dimension reduction

Information maximization in sparse principal components analysis: an exact approach for sparse and interpretable dimension reduction
A. Farcomeni
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Hybrid genetic algoritm to approach the darp in a demand responsive passenger service

Hybrid genetic algoritm to approach the darp in a demand responsive passenger service
P. Carotenuto, C. Cis, S. Rismondo, G. Storchi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

The continuous and discrete path variance problem on trees

The continuous and discrete path variance problem on trees
J. Puerto, F. Ricca, A. Scozzari
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A Darling-Siergert formula relating some Bessel integrals and random walks

A Darling-Siergert formula relating some Bessel integrals and random walks
A. De Gregorio, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Mincovex factors of prescribed size in graphs

Mincovex factors of prescribed size in graphs
N. Apollonio, A. Sebo
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Confidence intervals for the long memory parameter based on wavelets and resampling

Confidence intervals for the long memory parameter based on wavelets and resampling
P.L. Conti, L.De Giovanni, S.A. Stoev, M.S. Taqq
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Robust semiparametric mixing for detecting differentially espressed genes in microarray experiments

Robust semiparametric mixing for detecting differentially espressed genes in microarray experiments
M. Alfò, A. Farcomeni, L. Tardella
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Transdimensional markov chain Monte Carlo using hyperplane inflation in locally nested spaces

Transdimensional markov chain Monte Carlo using hyperplane inflation in locally nested spaces
G. Petris, L. Tardella
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Bayesian methods for alternative recapture models with heterogeneity

Bayesian methods for alternative recapture models with heterogeneity
A. Farcomeni, L. Tardella
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Modelling and simulating the processes of an accident and emergency department

Modelling and simulating the processes of an accident and emergency department
L. Salustri, P. Sbandi, S. Brailsford, R. Brocato, V. De Angelis, P. Harper, G. Jona Lasinio
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A characterization of partial directed line graphs

A characterization of partial directed line graphs
N. Apollonio, P.G. Franciosa
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Random flights in higher spaces

Random flights in higher spaces
A. De Gregorio, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

On an adaptive confidence ball with finite simple validity for random design regression models

On an adaptive confidence ball with finite simple validity for random design regression models
P. Brutti
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

On an adaptive goodness-of-fit test with finite sample validity for random design regression models

On an adaptive goodness-of-fit test with finite sample validity for random design regression models
P. Brutti
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Malfunzionamenti dell’allocazione biproporzionale di seggi nella riforma elettorale italiana

Malfunzionamenti dell’allocazione biproporzionale di seggi nella riforma elettorale italiana
A. Pennisi, F. Ricca, B. Simeone
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Avoiding the range of equivalence in clinical trials: Bayesian sample size determination for robust credible intervals

Avoiding the range of equivalence in clinical trials: Bayesian sample size determination for robust credible intervals
P. Brutti, F. De Santis
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Hyperbolic and fractional hyperbolic Brownian motion with some applications

Hyperbolic and fractional hyperbolic Brownian motion with some applications
L. Lao, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Likelihood and Bayesian techniques for the analysis of a response surface

Likelihood and Bayesian techniques for the analysis of a response surface
V. Sambucini, L. Piccinato
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A dynamic threshold acceptance approach to on-line management of production workload

A dynamic threshold acceptance approach to on-line management of production workload
M. Caramia, P. Dell'Olmo
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Strategic aircraft flow re-allocation vs dynamic air traffic flow management

Strategic aircraft flow re-allocation vs dynamic air traffic flow management
G. Andreatta, P. Dell’Olmo, G. Lulli
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A reference prior for the analysis of a-response surface

A reference prior for the analysis of a-response surface
V. Sambucini
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A robust fuzzy k-means clustering model for interval valued data

A robust fuzzy k-means clustering model for interval valued data
P. D'Urso, P. Giordani
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Two- and three-way component models for LR fuzzy data in a possibilistic framework

Two- and three-way component models for LR fuzzy data in a possibilistic framework
P. Giordani
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A comparison of three methods for principal component analysis of fuzzy interval data

A comparison of three methods for principal component analysis of fuzzy interval data
P. Giordani, H.A.L. Kiers
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A polynomial algoritm for partitioning a tree into single-center subtrees to minimize flat service costs

A polynomial algoritm for partitioning a tree into single-center subtrees to minimize flat service costs
N. Apollonio, I. Lari, J. Puerto, F. Ricca, B. Simeone
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Exploiting incomplete information to manage multiprocessor tasks with variable arrival rates

Exploiting incomplete information to manage multiprocessor tasks with variable arrival rates
P. Dell’Olmo, A. Iovanella, G. Lulli, B. Scoppola
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

The-day-before planning for advanced freight transportation systems in congested urban areas

The-day-before planning for advanced freight transportation systems in congested urban areas
T.G. Crainic, N. Ricciardi, G. Storchi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

The on-demand tourist paths problem

The on-demand tourist paths problem
T.G. Crainic, N. Ricciardi, G. Storchi
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

On the evaluation of matching noise produced by nonparametric imputation techniques

On the evaluation of matching noise produced by nonparametric imputation techniques
P.L. Conti, M. Scanu
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A chi-square type test for covariances

A chi-square type test for covariances
S. Leorato
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Comparison of calibration methods for the reconstruction of space-time rainfall fields in Southern Italy

Comparison of calibration methods for the reconstruction of space-time rainfall fields in Southern Italy
A. Orasia, G. Jona Lasinio, C. Ferrari
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Small stretch spanners on dynamic graphs

Small stretch spanners on dynamic graphs
G. Ausiello, P.G. Franciosa, G.F. Italiano
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Minimal cyclic random motion in Rn and hyper-Bessel functions

Minimal cyclic random motion in Rn and hyper-Bessel functions
A. Lachal, S. Leorato, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Exact small deviation asymptotics for the Slepian and Watson processes in the Hilbert norm

Exact small deviation asymptotics for the Slepian and Watson processes in the Hilbert norm
Y.Y. Nikitin, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Coupling stochastic and deterministic local search in examination timetabling

Coupling stochastic and deterministic local search in examination timetabling
M. Caramia, P. Dell'Olmo
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A grain of dust falling through a Sierpinski gasket

A grain of dust falling through a Sierpinski gasket
S. Leorato, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Alternative Bayes factors: sample size determination and discriminatory power assessment

Alternative Bayes factors: sample size determination and discriminatory power assessment
F. De Santis
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Comparing different metaheuristic approaches for the median path problem with bounded length

Comparing different metaheuristic approaches for the median path problem with bounded length
I. Lari, F. Ricca, A. Scozzari
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

A planar random motion with an infinite number of directions controlled by the damped wave equation

A planar random motion with an infinite number of directions controlled by the damped wave equation
A. Kolesnik, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Using historical data for Bayesian sample size determination

Using historical data for Bayesian sample size determination
F. De Santis
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

On some justifications and properties of power priors and their use in clinical trials

On some justifications and properties of power priors and their use in clinical trials
F. De Santis
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Metropolitan hazardous materials transportation corridors

Metropolitan hazardous materials transportation corridors
A. Lozano, G. Storchi, J.P. Antun
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

An estimation method for the chi-square divergence with application to test of hypotheses

An estimation method for the chi-square divergence with application to test of hypotheses
M. Broniatowski, S. Leorato
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Predictive measures of global posterior robustness and sample size determination

Predictive measures of global posterior robustness and sample size determination
F. De Santis
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Some universal limits for nonhomogeneous birth and death processes

Some universal limits for nonhomogeneous birth and death processes
A. Zeifman, S. Leorato, E. Orsingher, Ya. Satin, G. Shilova
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

The distribution of the local time for "pseudoprocesses" and its connection with fractional diffusion equations

The distribution of the local time for "pseudoprocesses" and its connection with fractional diffusion equations
L. Beghin, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Bose-Einstein-type statistics, order statistics and planar random motions with three directions

Bose-Einstein-type statistics, order statistics and planar random motions with three directions
S. Leorato, E. Orsingher
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Mean and variance of the sampling distribution of r for dichotomic variables: small sample properties of with and without replacement sampling

Mean and variance of the sampling distribution of r for dichotomic variables: small sample properties of with and without replacement sampling
F. Gori
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

The importance of the eigenvalues to define a configuration of the categories of a group of qualitative variables

The importance of the eigenvalues to define a configuration of the categories of a group of qualitative variables
E. Colnago
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA

Two-way component models for fuzzy data

Two-way component models for fuzzy data
P. D’Urso, P. Giordani, H.A.L. Kiers
Rapporto Tecnico DSPSA