
World Development Report (WDR2023 Migrants, Refugees and Societies on June 12th, at 4 pm.
The event is organized by the World Bank, in collaboration with the Bank of Italy and Sapienza University of Rome.
The report aims to shift the analytical focus on labor markets and legal protection for migrants and refugees to a more holistic perspective, putting an emphasis on the human dimension of migration and the complexity of the societies of origin and destination.
A panel discussion, moderated by Pr. Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Professor of International Economics in the Department of Social Sciences and Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, will present and discuss the report findings and recommendations, as well as implications for both origin and destination countries. For more details, please find below the event agenda. The presentation and discussions will be in English.
The conference will take place at Palazzo Rettorato – Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 (University entrance gate)– Multimedia room - Building CU001 (situated in the Piazzale della Minerva).
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3.45 - 4.00       Registration
4.00 - 4.10       Opening remarks by Piero Cipollone, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Italy
Moderation by Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Professor of International Economics in the Department of Social Sciences and Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
4.10 - 4.30       Presentation of the World Development Report (WDR) 2023 “Migrants, Refugees and Societies” by Xavier Devictor, WDR co-author
4.30 - 4.45       Intervention by Cinzia Conti, Central Directorate of Demographic Statistics and Population Census, ISTAT                         
4.45 – 5.00      Intervention by Pierluigi Montalbano, Professor at the Department of Social and economic studies, Sapienza University of Rome
5.00 – 5.30      Q&A – Floor discussion
5.30 – 5.40      Closing remarks by Furio Rosati, Professor of Public Finance - University of Tor Vergata

Palazzo Rettorato – Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 (University entrance gate)– Multimedia room - Building CU001 (situated in the Piazzale della Minerva).