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- Plan a. a. 2023 - 2024 (3er año )
Fecha (hora CET)
(2 horas)
15 Marzo (14,00-16,00)
Módulo 1
Discriminación de Género y Violencia: Conceptos y definiciones en la legislación internacional y políticas de la Union Europea
Discriminación de género y violencia.
Conceptos y definiciones en la
legislación internacional y políticas de la Unión Europea
(10 horas)
Fiorenza Deriu
21 Marzo (15,00-17,00)
22 Marzo (15,00-17,00)
5Abril (15,00-17,00)
11 Abril (17,00-19,00)
19 Abril (17,00-19,00)
Globalización e Implicaciones de genero
(6 horas)
Mariella Nocenzi
21 Marzo (13,00-15,00)
22 Marzo (13,00-15,00)
4 Abril (15,00-17,00)
Módulo 2
Desigualdades de Género: Politicas y practicas de la Unión Europea
Desigualdades de Género en el mercado laboral:
las politicas de la Unión Europea
(6 horas)
Giulia Zacchia
11 Abril (15,00-17,00)
12 Abril (13,00-16,00)
18 Abril (15,00-17,00)
Desigualdades linguisticas, su relación con las desigualdades
de género y mejores practicas
(6 horas)
Isabella Chiari
4 Abril (13,00-15,00)
5 Abril (13,00-15,00)
11 Abril (13,00-15,00)
Módulo 3
Empoderamiento de la Ciudadania Activa de las Mujeres
Ciudadania de la Unión Europea: una perspectiva de género
(6 horas)
Marcella Corsi
18Abril (13,00-15,00)
9 Abril (13,00-17,00)Practicas de ciudadania para el empoderamiento de las mujeres
(6 horas)
Giovanni Moro
6 Mayo (13,00-17,00)
7 Mayo (13,00-15,00)
Módulo 4
Violencia contra las Mujeres y caminos de empoderamiento
Acoso sexual en el trabajo
(4 horas)
Giulia Zacchia
17 Mayo (13,00-16,00)
Violencia contra las Mujeres en Europa
(6 horas)
El Modelo de Construcción de Agencia de las Mujeres:
Caminos de empoderamiento para mujeres que
sufren violencia de su Pareja Intima
(4 horas)
Fiorenza Deriu
17 Mayo (17,00-19,00)
23 Mayo (13,00-15,00)
24 Mayo (13,00-15,00)
31 Mayo (13,00-15,00)
Plan a. a. 2023 - 2024 (3er año )
Tipo de actividad
Expertos/representantes de las partes interesadas/responsables de políticas
Fecha (hora CET)
Violencias y acceso a la justicia Daniela Saikoski (UNLPam)
Ma. Fabiana Carlis (UNLu)22 Marzo 2024
Ciudadanía, poder y participación Mónica Morales (UNLPam)
Ma. Bernarda Torres (UNCo)
Damian Cipolla (UNLu)
Marta Lelia Carrario (UNCo)
Laura Marcela Méndez (UNCo)12 Abril 2024
Mujeres y vida cotidiana: agencias, estrategias y resistencias Rocio La Fuente Duarte (UNLu)
Laura Riveiro (UNLu)
Mariana de Dios Guerrero (UNLPam)
Erica Montana (UNLPam)
Suyai Malen García Gualda (UNCo)
Daniela Dietrich (UNCo)10 Mayo 2024
- PROGRAMME a. y. 2023 - 2024 (3rd year)
Date (CET Time)
(2 hours)
15th March (14,00-16,00)
Module 1
Gender Discrimination and Violence
Gender discrimination and violence: Concepts and Definitions in International Legislation and EU Policies
(10 hours)
Fiorenza Deriu
21st March (15,00-17,00)
22nd March (15,00-17,00)
5thApril (15,00-17,00)
11th April (17,00-19,00)
19th April (17,00-19,00)
Globalization and Gender implications
(6 hours)
Mariella Nocenzi
21st March (13,00-15,00)
22nd March (13,00-15,00)
4th April (15,00-17,00)
Module 2
Gender Inequalities: EU Policies and Practices
Gender Inequalities in the Labour Market: the EU policies
(6 hours)
Giulia Zacchia
11th April (15,00-17,00)
12th April (13,00-16,00)
18th April (15,00-17,00)
Linguistic Inequalities and Gender: Issues and Best Practices
(6 hours)
Isabella Chiari
4th April (13,00-15,00)
5th April (13,00-15,00)
11th April (13,00-15,00)
Module 3
Women’s Active Citizenship Empowerment
EU citizenship: a Gender Perspective
(6 hours)
Marcella Corsi
18th April (13,00-15,00)
9 th April (13,00-17,00)Citizenship practices of women’s empowerment
(6 hours)
Giovanni Moro
6th May (13,00-17,00)
7th May (13,00-15,00)
Module 4
Violence against women
Sexual Harassment at workplace
(4 hours)
Giulia Zacchia
17th May (13,00-16,00)
Violence against women in Europe
(6 hours)
The Women’s Agency Building Model: Empowerment paths for women suffering from Intimate Partner Violence
(4 hours)
Fiorenza Deriu
17th May (17,00-19,00)
23rd May (13,00-15,00)
24th May (13,00-15,00)
31st May (13,00-15,00)
PROGRAMME a. y. 2023-2024 (3rd Year)
Type of activity
Experts/stakeholders’ representatives/policy makers
Date (CET Time)
Violence and access to justic Daniela Saikoski (UNLPam)
Ma. Fabiana Carlis (UNLu)22nd March 202
Citizenship, power, and participation Mónica Morales (UNLPam)
Ma. Bernarda Torres (UNCo)
Damian Cipolla (UNLu)
Marta Lelia Carrario (UNCo)
Laura Marcela Méndez (UNCo)12nd April 2024
Women and daily–life: agency, strategies, and resilience Rocio La Fuente Duarte (UNLu)
Laura Riveiro (UNLu)
Mariana de Dios Guerrero (UNLPam)
Erica Montana (UNLPam)
Suyai Malen García Gualda (UNCo)
Daniela Dietrich (UNCo)10th May 2024
- Programme a. y. 2022 - 2023 (2nd year)
PROGRAMME a. y. 2022-2023 (2nd Year)
Date (CET Time)
(2,5 hours)
6th March 2023 (09,00-11,30)
Module 1
Gender discrimination and violence: Concepts, definitions, and EU policies in a globalised world
Gender discrimination and violence: Concepts
and definitions in International legislation and EU Policies (10 hours)
Fiorenza Deriu
9th March (10,00-12,00)
10th March (09,00-11,00)
16th March (12,00-14,00)
17th March (09,00-13,00)
30th March (10,00-12,00)
Globalization and gender implications (6 hours)
Mariella Nocenzi
9th March (12,00-14,00)
10th March (11,00-13,00)
16th March (10,00-12,00)
Module 2
Gender inequalities: EU policies and practices
Gender inequalities in the labour market: the EU policies
( 6 hours)
Giulia Zacchia
31st March (11,00-14,00)
20th April (12,00-14,00)
21st April (09,00-11,00)
“Linguistic Inequalities and Gender: Issues and Best Practices” (6 hours)
Isabella Chiari
30th March (12,00-14,00)
31st March (09,00-11,00)
20th April (10,00-12,00)
Module 3
Women’s Active Citizenship Empowerment
EU citizenship: a gender perspective (6 hours)
Marcella Corsi
18th May (10,00-14,00)
19th May (09,00-11,00)
Citizenship practices of women’s empowerment (6 hours)
Giovanni Moro
8th May (10,00-14,00)
9th May (13,00-15,00)
Module 4
Violence against women: Empowerment paths for women suffering from Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Sexual harassment at workplace (4 hours)
Giulia Zacchia
19th May (11,00-14,00)
Violence against women in Europe (6 hours)
The Women’s Agency Building Model: Empowerment paths
for women suffering from IPV (4 hours)Fiorenza Deriu
19th June (12,00-14,00)
20th June (09,00-11,00)
21st June (09,00-13,00)
PROGRAMME a. y. 2022-2023 (2nd Year)
Type of activity
Experts/stakeholders’ representatives/policy makers
Date (CET Time)
African Women’s Movements and the Black feminist thought Prof. Joy Kwesiga, Vice Chancellor, Kabale University
Prof. Patricia Hill Collins, Distinguished University
Professor Emerita, University of Maryland
21st April (15,00-17,00)
Round Table
Women in ecosystem management: the access to resources Prof.ssa Olga Martin Gonzalez, European
Commission Officer Jean Monnet ActionProf. Joy Kwesiga, Vice Cancellor, Kabale University
Prof.ssa Annarita Spagnuolo, WeWorld
Prof. Godfrey Sempongu, Kabale University
Prof.ssa Agatha Ankunda, National Renewable Energy Platform (NREP)
12th May (11,00-14,00)
Gender inequalities in accessing economic, human, natural, and social resources Prof. Godfrey Sempungu, Kabale University
Prof.ssa Annarita Spagnuolo, WeWorld
Prof. Francesco da Riva Grechi - LIDU
Prof. Jean Kemitare, Program Director Urgent Action Fund Africa
Prof. Victor George Marealle, University of Dodoma
Prof. Leonce Mujwahuzi, University of Dodoma
Prof.ssa Salimah Valiani, Independent researcher and activist
20th June (11,00-14,00)
- Programme a. y. 2021 - 2022 (1st year)
To view the programme a. y. 21 - 22 (1st year), click here