
This conference is focused on the changing role and nature of the discipline of statistics in the time of a data deluge in many applications, and increasing success of artificial intelligence at performing many data analysis tasks. The conference aims to bring together experts in statistical methodology and theory for complex and big data with researchers focused on a range of applications, from genomics to social networks, and to provide opportunities for new researchers to learn about both emerging methods and applications. The conference will also be an occasion to celebrate Professor Peter Bickel’s birthday. Peter has spent his long and distinguished career at the Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley, throughout which he remained committed to developing theory and methods that shed light on relevant applications, a goal more relevant than ever in the age of big data. He is an IMS fellow and has also served the IMS in a number of capacities, including President. IMS Representative(s) on Program Committees: Liza Levina
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01-06-2021 to 03-06-2021
Berkeley, California, USA